Students(17)&(15) and Teachermum have made it - Back to Term 2... Day 37 (OMG) of self-isolation.
Holidays saw an 'at-ome' holiday! We relaxed at-ome, binge watched movies at-ome, did Easter break at-ome, sun-baked and exercised at-ome, walked the dogs from 'ome ... and zoomed with family and friends from 'ome.
The weeks dragged, but made it back to school. The school house looked good on return with clean cupboards and windows. Maintenance must have been busy over the break.
It took a while for students to get in flow. Late arrivals were reprimanded . Pj's seem to be the new uniform and dressing for on-line class was the only apparent reason to change one's attire.... Students seemed surprised when work arrived before lunch...
All had a late lunch as Teachermum forgot to restock the canteen and all that could be found were scrummy left-overs. Teachermum missing that someone (workHusband) who made sandwiches everyday!
Student(17) saw a moment of excitement when results arrived from last term's math assignment. Maybe this schooling from 'ome is working!
Student(15) worked was seen doing some English, and home-"eck" recipe cost calculation, due Friday, which sounded like plenty of time until realised that today was Wednesday! Bugger coz something else due Friday too!
Teachermum thinks Students are off to a good start (all whilst secretly wishes that school holidays could return immediately). "Let the lessons begin, oh, she means continue!"
Good news - it's a short week... three days!
End of Day REPORT: B-
Teachermum - First day back, wishing for more pupil-free days!
Student(17) - received excellent result math assignment - 94%!
Student (15) - wishing for more holidays and more face-to-face learning.
Springett School - Reporting in on the COVID-19 - Home schooling teens during isolation days.