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REPORT CARD - Day 13 End of Term

Writer's picture: Michelle SpringettMichelle Springett

Day 13 of home school. Students(17)&(15) and Teachermum have made it - School holidays are GO!

The last few days has been a run down into holidays. Teachermum totally aware minimal amounts of work has been achieved by Students(17)&(15).

Yesterday's ol' skills class was on Hair & Beauty, self cutting Bangs. Student(17) learnt to self-cut a fancy new fringe - now looking hot - so those boys had better beware of their footing.

Student(15) had changed of mind about online schooling (apparently) more work is required than normal-school as head down in english and history assignments have occupied a bucket of time!

Today's ol' skill class has been Home Economics... no essays today. Meringues on the menu! Which has seen sugary egg whites splattered around the class room - awaiting the cleaner to arrive!

At 3pm Springett School locked the gate, celebration was heard and hats flew into the air with glee.

Teachermum and Students(17)&(15) were due to take flight interstate to enjoy two weeks beach-lazing and soaking up VitaminD, now cancelled, Springett School reverts to holiday-home. Weather permtting there might even be a camping trip, a whole 25 steps from the back door!

Overall the last 3 weeks of term have been bearable, Teachermum has inspired Students(17)&(15) to look within for courage and willpower to overcome procrastination and not kill each other... Success ! Many ol' skills acquired. Attitude and motivation was fair due to new found environment. Physical exercise was down, needing to improve next term.

Teachermum acknowledges other teachermums during this home-school period knowing the similarities that challenged them during this new 2020 role, (that they hadn't applied for). All had obtained the job quite by accident and most found the juggle of work & play quite excruciating.

To all report readers, Teachermum would like to say thank you for joining this journey and helping Teachermum to endure day after day.

Teachermum says 'over and out'! and looks forward to pupil free day, first day of Term 2 (haha).

Day 13 home-school report,

Day 17 of self isolation


End of Day REPORT: A +

Teachermum - Last day of term, doesn't care what was achieved!

Springett School - Reporting in on the COVID-19 - Home schooling teens during isolation days.

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