Well, teachermum was on playground duty early, as student(15) was dropped off before the allocated drop off time! There was one late arrival student(17) who arrived without a note from a parent! (and wanted to bring two pets to school). Under the circumstances this was allowed!
So, we were off to a great start! With a new timetable in hand, list of to-do items to accomplish on the first day of isolation. A teddybear was hung at the window for anyone passing by on a bear hunt.
Class commenced at 9:30am sharp with all students in attendance and dressed. Student (17) worked on maths assignments, while Student (15) was found reading on the outdoor deck swing. It all looked promising.
Mid morning teachermum took time out from classroom to attend a video call (for her sanity) and during this time, the students left their school work and ran a muck in the classroom. Teachermum herded them back in and class continued with lessons in silence. If help was requested, students needed to raise their ‘clean’ hand.
After lunch teachermum conducted an ol’ time sewing class . The dogs toys were mended and an "A" for effort was awarded to both students (15) & (17) for sticking with the lesson.
The afternoon saw teachermum again confiscated technical devices and students bunkered down for 90minutes for more work/study time. It was evident that stronger rules needed to be put in place for these unmotivated students!
School was dismissed at 3pm, devices returned and a sigh of relief was felt by all. Day 1 done!
Students resumed normal after school activities from the comfort of their home school. Teachermum found some veggies to bake for dinner. A night off, no marking required. Where's the wine?
End of Day REPORT: B
Teachermum feeling optimistic.
Student(17) requires improvement around attitude.
Student(15) doing well and shows strong commitment to online learning and home schooling .
Bring on the day when all can resume to (what will be) the ‘new’ normal…
Springett School - Reporting in on the COVID-19 - Home schooling teens during isolation days